What a strange and diverse tapestry I had to examine. The boutique is in an upscale mall catering to customers both foreign and domestic. I saw samples of cultures from all over the world/country. Unique and varied but full of that one aspect of the security profession that holds my interest most of all, human nature. Studying people and anticipating what they might do and why.
My "Post Orders" if you want to call them that (although I hate that expression) were to politely challenge the costumer to return the recently (presumably) purchased merchandise for inspection. Considering my disarming smile, legitimate charm and smattering of basic languages from other countries ( mostly hello, good bye, please and thank you) I found I had no trouble convincing the embarrassed costumer to return to the service area. My pardner on this job was a Sensormatic rfid reader, always just a foot away 'irradiating' me. I could take my eyes from the door and watch shoppers knowing it would be vigilant.
Surly there is not much skill in this...is there?
Well, lets dissect the environment, the mission and the tasks involved more closely.
RULE#1Know the shop-store-boutique's lay out or floor plan, find the blind spots and learn how to observe them without insulting or intruding on the costumer. Mirrors, plate glass or any other reflective surface can be used to keep shoppers under observation.
Get a good look at your shoppers and better still, let them get a good look at you. Any Loss Prevention agent will tell you, having the would be thief just inches from your face has an effect on the situation. Thieves don't want to be recognized and identified, so knowing you have had a good look at them can persuade the shoplifter to go find a softer target. I send a message with each hello, it says I know your face now. I also keep a small voice recorder in my pocket to make descriptive notes of any "runner" that will need reporting to the authorities.
Watch bags, booster bags can be made to look like almost anything. In an expensive upscale shop, any small item could cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars and booster bags can clean you out in no time. I study hands, fingers that are not "stressed" might be carrying a decoy bag. (stuffed with a balloon, gift paper or other bulky item to appear full) these bags are emptied of the decoy item and filled with stolen merchandise. More often then not, they are foil lined to blind the rfid reader at the door. Some better booster bags may seem boxy and very square at the bottom. That is because the bag is only a cover for a box hidden at the bottom. It has a removable "floor" that allows stolen merchandise to be slipped in and is of course also foil lined.
Clothes can hide many things, not just cellulite. Watch for blouses that hang open more then usual. This is to facilitate easy depositing of the stolen item AND to maybe show a bit of cleavage. This will cause the LP agent to divert his eyes politely. I am to much of a professional to let a cheap tactical diversion like that keep me from my duty.
RULE#5Be polite at all times, holding the moral high ground and being respectful are your allies in security work. Say please and excuse any false activation (but don't educate people as to how the system is triggered) Be overly sweet to senior shoppers that might be startled by the incident.
Store employees are NOT your friends. You are there to perform a function not fraternize with attractive sales staff. Thieves take notice of the Don Juan types and love to make fools of them. While you flirt and posture for the ladies, thieves are working your store. Be a professional.
Store employees are NOT your friends. You are there to perform a function not fraternize with attractive sales staff. Thieves take notice of the Don Juan types and love to make fools of them. While you flirt and posture for the ladies, thieves are working your store. Be a professional.
Not to mention some shrink is almost always internal. If you are tasked with LP for the entire shop and NOT just the retail door, then pay attention to employees as well as shoppers. If you are responsible for the retail door only then so be it. Make notes, dates, times, names but other wise unless asked keep your mouth shut.
I walked the mall and stopped in some of the bigger name stores. In each I saw them, the Men in Black. Standing in ones and twos at the doors, hands folded in front or behind, rocking in their loafers or doing a classic box step in their oxfords, watching, sweating. Like fraternity brothers we instinctively recognise each other and nod respectfully with a knowing glance. I secretly pity them, I know they are hungry or need to use the rest room and their feet are killing them.
The day is long when you occupy four square feet of floor space. Thankfully I have my diversions, I watch and study and learn. Today however, I couldn't help but wonder what the other Men in Black were thinking and if they were watching me.
Watch your six (put your back to the wall and watch your front)